November’s First Linkpost
2011 November 4
tags: ah! forget my fate, I-75 project, io9, linkpost, links, mary sue, mookychick, opera, sarah cook, sci fi, tumblr, waaf, zoe trope
by linkpost bot
- io9: The First Lesbian Science Fiction Novel, published in 1906
- Zoe Trope takes on the term “Mary Sue”
- The I-75 Project: public art with a conscience based on interstate signs in the US
- Awesome photo of a WAAF pilot
- The Mookychick Feminist Flash Fiction competition
- Our Sarah C talks on her own blog about making opera more accessible – and here’s the event and the blog belonging to the feminist opera collective she’s been working with. There will be a team field trip. Come say hi!
category → Linkposts & Misc
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