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STOP! Make a cup of tea. And have a linkpost with that biscuit.

2011 June 3

It’s Friday! Have some links. Ta for flying Air BadRep, etc etc.

  • First up, if you spotted McSweeney’s the other week and saw the mashup of PG Wodehouse and (yes) Brett Easton Ellis, PG Wodehouse’s American Psycho, that was Team BadRep member Rhian. Jean, in the Jeeves role, is neatly recast as the brains behind Bateman literally getting away with murder. Nice one!
  • Following on from that, Rhian blogs about gender and being a fan of American Psycho over on her own blog, Velvet Coalmine. (It’s been a busy week for Rhian; she’s already exploded VS Naipaul’s bizarre blathering without even trying, as several McSweeney readers immediately assumed she must be male on the basis of her writing…)
  • Texas! Not a good place to be a feminist! Right? Or… is it? Andrea Grimes over on Reality Check asks and answers the question: Why Should Feminists Stay In The Lone Star State?
  • Been up a couple of weeks now, but Michelle Dean at The Awl draws together the range of responses to Bridesmaids very well in a nice indictment of the sacred cows of Hollywood comedy.
  • The F Word are on the hunt for music reviewers!
  • Flippin’ ‘eck. The Empowering Girls blog pops to Hamleys. I knew they had floors for “GIRLS” and “BOYS”, but sometimes you need a pictorial tour to really get the reality of what that means. Christ. When I take random detours into Hamleys of an afternoon (and I do, because I like seeing what kids are into, PLUS I refuse to grow up), I stick to the ground floor, with all the gadgets and the 15-foot plush giraffe. And… well, I just remembered why. Also notable: why are all the art materials apparently on the “Girls” floor? I mean, seriously?
  • That Wikipedia gender gap debate: Nine Reasons Why Women Don’t Edit Wikipedia (in their own words), from Sue Gardner (Exec Director of the Wikimedia Foundation).
5 Responses leave one →
  1. Russell permalink
    June 3, 2011

    Just a technical request: is there any way the links could be programmed to open in a new tab/window, instead of instantly taking me away from this site? I personally find it makes for a better browsing experience. Thanks.

    • Miranda permalink*
      June 3, 2011

      Surely most people are using tabbed browsing anyway, so right click and open in new tab, no?

      I’m not sure about smartphone options but on an iPhone you can also “open in new window”…

      • Russell permalink
        June 3, 2011

        It is as simple as right clicking, but most sites I use open in new tabs, so I forget and when I do I’m already halfway to a new site. :( If it can’t be done it’s hardly a big deal but I just thought I would bring it up in case anyone else feels the same way.

      • Rob Mulligan permalink
        June 3, 2011

        It’s do-able, you just have to add target=”_blank” into the a href tag of every link. The control panel doesn’t include that by default, so it’d have to be done manually.

  2. June 12, 2011

    thanks for sharing the Hamleys blog post.

    Great blog!!!


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