{"id":9860,"date":"2012-02-22T09:00:19","date_gmt":"2012-02-22T09:00:19","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.badreputation.org.uk\/?p=9860"},"modified":"2012-02-22T09:00:19","modified_gmt":"2012-02-22T09:00:19","slug":"gamer-diary-isaacs-lament-treacherous-women","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/badreputation.org.uk\/2012\/02\/22\/gamer-diary-isaacs-lament-treacherous-women\/","title":{"rendered":"[Gamer Diary] Isaac’s Lament: Treacherous Women"},"content":{"rendered":"
Isaac doesn't like Spoilers either<\/p><\/div>\n
Before you go any further, I’m going to issue you all with a
SPOILER WARNING<\/strong> for both
Dead Space<\/strong> and
Dead Space 2<\/strong>.\u00a0 Although neither of these are new
releases, we all know that not everyone plays a game as soon as it hits
the market. \u00a0If you have intentions of playing either game and
don\u2019t want to know what happens\u2026 quickly click
this link<\/a> to escape to the relative safety of some pictures of baby
rabbits.\u00a0 Go now, and never look back!<\/p>\n
For those of you who aren\u2019t familiar with the
Dead Space<\/strong><\/a> franchise, it’s a horror\/sci-fi
universe that spans more than just games \u2013 there are also
animated films that tell us parts of the story.\u00a0 I\u2019m just
going to look at the games, though, which focus on our protagonist
Isaac Clarke in our two space vessel settings: the USG Ishimura
vessel and the
Sprawl<\/a>.\u00a0 In the first game, the Ishimura drops out of
contact with, well, everyone – and nobody knows why.\u00a0
Isaac and his shipmates are sent on a rescue mission as it is
believed the Ishimura crew have just had a bit of damage to their
communications array or somesuch.<\/p>\n
Not so.\u00a0 Long story cut very over-simplistically short, all
the crew have either a) gone loopy, b) been killed, or c) turned
necromorphs<\/em>.\u00a0 These are horrible scary alien things
that loosely resemble what might once have been human.\u00a0
Isaac gets separated from his crew, who promptly start dying off
while he tries to find out what\u2019s going on and how to
escape.\u00a0 Moving towards the end, there\u2019s three of
Isaac\u2019s team left (himself included)\u2026 then there are
two.\u00a0 Isaac and his female crewmate Kendra Daniels<\/a>.<\/p>\n
She\u2019s been helping to guide him on all his trekking about
the Ishimura as they try to deal with the shitstorm of scary
things.\u00a0 They discover this thing called
the Marker<\/em> has been causing all the bad stuff and
have to transport it back to the planet below for any hope
of survival.\u00a0
BUT THEN<\/strong>.<\/p>\n
Kendra betrays you.\u00a0 She’s actually intending
to take the Marker back to civilisation for the
government and the Church of Unitology (who seem to
think the Marker will raise them up\u2026 or
something).\u00a0 Don\u2019t worry though; she dies.
It\u2019s OK, the nasty traitorous lady gets splattered
by a giant alien.\u00a0 So, you know, she deserved
Fast forward to
Dead Space 2<\/a><\/strong> and now
we\u2019re in the Sprawl.\u00a0 Isaac is being held in
some description of government institution for the
psychologically unstable.\u00a0 After a traumatic
session, in your little cell, in your straight jacket:
something is wrong!\u00a0 Someone bursts in and tries
to free you, but his head gets skewered from behind
\u2013 NECROMORPHS EVERYWHERE.\u00a0 You run around in
your straight jacket for a while until you are sliced
Over the comms comes a woman\u2019s voice, saying
she\u2019ll help you escape the necromorph threat if
you follow her instructions.\u00a0 Super,
right?\u00a0 A nice kindly person wants to help you
not get dead.\u00a0 Realistically, Isaac
should\u2019ve gotten suspicious as soon as she led
him through an infested Unitologist Church\u2026
you\u2019ve guessed it!\u00a0 She too is a
treacherous baddie!<\/p>\n
Now, I hope you can forgive me for not really
explaining the story properly, but what I wanted you
to know was that Isaac really seems to have terrible
luck when it comes to trusting people.\u00a0 Or,
more importantly: trusting
women<\/em>.\u00a0 I find it a bit more serious
than an unfortunate coincidence that the two
people who most obviously betray him are
women.\u00a0 Surely this concept is a bit tired by
This ridiculous notion that
\u2018we must not trust the womens or they
will betray us and bad things will
happen\u2019<\/em> has been around for
thousands of years and yet here we are in the
21st<\/sup> century still being subjected to
it.\u00a0 Why is that?<\/p>\n
Let’s look into the past.\u00a0 If
we consider the medium of \u2018a
game\u2019 to be a new way of
storytelling, perhaps we’re
experiencing old tropes that are merely
being reimagined into this burgeoning
format.\u00a0 If we look back, a long way
into history, at Clytemnestra<\/a> and Helen<\/a> (of Troy
fame), these two women were, in certain
versions of their tales, manipulative,
deceitful and traitorous.\u00a0 What
happened as a result of their
Bad things<\/strong>, that\u2019s
Through the centuries storytelling has
evolved but often still has its roots
in these ancient tales \u2013 in more
ways than just this example \u2013 so
why should games be different?<\/p>\n
Another way to view these female
characters and their actions plays out
in a more positive light:\u00a0they
are ‘strong women’ with
important roles, independently-minded
enough to choose their own paths,
which also involves being smarter than
all the men around them in order to
remain trusted or to be able to give
the orders.<\/p>\n
So how should we see it?\u00a0 Archaic
retelling of worn-out old storylines,
casting women as dubious, underhanded
Judases or powerful, intelligent and
self-assured women who just happen to
be baddies?<\/p>\n
Or does it even matter, seeing as they
both end up dead anyway?<\/p>\n