{"id":7466,"date":"2011-09-21T09:00:37","date_gmt":"2011-09-21T08:00:37","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.badreputation.org.uk\/?p=7466"},"modified":"2011-09-21T09:00:37","modified_gmt":"2011-09-21T08:00:37","slug":"revolting-women-genevieve-pastre","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/badreputation.org.uk\/2011\/09\/21\/revolting-women-genevieve-pastre\/","title":{"rendered":"Revolting Women: Genevi\u00e8ve Pastre"},"content":{"rendered":"
This post is part of a series on the theme of women and protest. The full
series is collected under the
tag “Revolting Women”<\/a>. Thank you to Sophie of Clamorous Voice<\/strong><\/a> for this guestpost!<\/em><\/p>\n
Genevi\u00e8ve Pastre<\/strong> is France’s leading lesbian
activist, poet, writer and philosopher. Born in 1924, she is
responsible in a large measure for the creation of the Gay Liberation
Movement in France.<\/p>\n
Pastre’s coming-out, at the age of 56, followed successful
careers as an academic, theatre practitioner and poet. Born in French-occupied
Mainz<\/a> after the First World War, Pastre was educated at the Sorbonne<\/a>,
then became a high school teacher. While in Paris, Pastre studied
mime with Marcel
Marceau<\/a> and Jacques
Lecoq<\/a>; between 1960 and 1976, Pastre also directed a theatre
troupe, which would eventually take her name: Compagnie
Genevi\u00e8ve Pastre.<\/p>\n
It was during her time as a director that Pastre began gaining
recognition as a poet, subsequently publishing ten poetry
collections between 1972 and 2005. In 1976, having privately begun
to live with a woman, she began agitating for lesbian rights in
France. Her official coming-out was a declaration in print: the 1980
essay on female sexuality,
De L’Amour lesbien<\/strong> (About Lesbian Love<\/em>).<\/p>\n
By 2000, Pastre had published a further five books, including
historical works. As the titles of
Homosexuality in the Ancient World<\/strong> and
Athens and the Sapphic Peril<\/strong> suggest, Pastre
was one of the first feminist theorists to deconstruct
classical myths. Challenging the dominance of
History of Sexuality<\/strong>, she argued that
Foucault – and with him the male academy –
had misinterpreted both ancient languages and lesbian
Such was the strength of the CUARH protest that
a few days later, the French president,
Mitterrand, pledged to fulfil their demands. In
1982, Genevi\u00e8ve Pastre organised, with
CUARH, France’s first ever Gay Pride
celebrations; the organisation went on to fight
against homophobia in the workplace and in the
adoption process.<\/p>\n
The 1980s were Pastre’s most prolific
decade, touching almost every area of queer life
in France and beyond. In 1982, within months of
helping to found France’s Gay Pride
movement, Pastre became the president of
Frequence Gaie, FM Paris’s gay-interest
radio station. Despite leaving FG in 1984, she
continued to host a weekly show on Radio
Libertaire, showcasing other French queer and
feminist activists. In the world of publishing,
Pastre not only founded Editions G. Pastre, a
press dedicated to progressive and feminist
authors, but also Les Octaviennes, a collective
for lesbian authors active in France.<\/p>\n
At the age of 87, Pastre continues to write
extensively on arts, politics and queer history:
she has also organised festivals of queer
culture, including the 1990 Festival
europ\u00e9en de l’\u00e9criture gaie et
lesbienne, in Paris. Active worldwide in the
feminist and queer rights movements,
Pastre’s influence can be felt not only in
French activism, theatre, academia and
publishing, but internationally. Beyond her
enviable contributions to French culture, her
work with Les Mauves has helped transform the
status, rights and prospects of LGBT people
around the world. No revolting woman could have
done more.<\/p>\n
*<\/p>\n<\/a>Despite the list of titles above,
Pastre herself refuses any simple political identity, declaring
“Je ne suis pas une activiste. Je suis po\u00e9te et
danseuse” (I am not an activist. I am a poet and a dancer).
Nevertheless, she has also been a journalist, radio broadcaster,
publisher, mime artist and theatre director.<\/p>\n
<\/a>Pastre’s greatest
contribution, however, has undoubtedly been to the
transformation of queer rights, and thus queer life,
in France. A year before coming out in the pages of
De L’Amour lesbien<\/strong>, Pastre
co-founded Comit\u00e9 d’Urgence Anti-R\u00e9pression
Homosexuelle<\/strong><\/a> (CUARH). Mobilising
the smaller, disparate French gay rights groups
that already existed – including David et
Jonathan (gay Christians), and Beit Haverim (gay
Jews) – CUARH organised a massive protest on
4th April 1981. 10,000 French LGBT people and
allies joined what has since been recognised as
France’s first ever gay rights march,
campaigning for homosexual sex (decriminalised
since the French revolution) to have the same age
of consent as for heterosexuals.<\/p>\n
Further Reading:<\/h3>\n