{"id":7414,"date":"2011-09-26T09:00:28","date_gmt":"2011-09-26T08:00:28","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.badreputation.org.uk\/?p=7414"},"modified":"2013-05-31T16:55:40","modified_gmt":"2013-05-31T15:55:40","slug":"at-the-movies-troll-hunter-or-whos-coming-to-norway-with-us","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/badreputation.org.uk\/2011\/09\/26\/at-the-movies-troll-hunter-or-whos-coming-to-norway-with-us\/","title":{"rendered":"At The Movies: Troll Hunter (or, who’s coming to Norway with us?)"},"content":{"rendered":"
I went to a healthfood shop today and bought NATURE SNACKS. Now, I don’t normally go into healthfood shops because I can’t understand their pitch. What’s all this marketing to people’s paranoia and fears about their bodies? Why do I go in and get a copy of HEALTH magazine in my face, adorned with a willowy, glowing woman telling me to lose weight and eat seeds? What’s all that about? I think they market their wares wrong. Instead of telling us to EAT FRUIT OUT OF FEAR OF FATNESS OR SIN, they should be all, MOTHERFUCKING NATURE SNACKS!! LOOK, THEY’RE MADE OUT OF TREES AND SHIT!!! EAT THESE AND BECOME KING OF THE FUCKING ELVES!!!!<\/p>\n
Troll Hunter<\/strong>, though, gets its pitch exactly right. “TROLL
HUNTER!!!” shouts the poster, in yellow, with a gritty picture of Hans
The Troll Hunter’s well-defended Land Rover driving towards the legs
of a truly gigantic troll. That’s what we like to see. Gets straight
to the point. This is a film about a man who hunts trolls, and the trolls
aren’t fucking around. That’s what it is.<\/p>\n That
tagline, guys.<\/p><\/div>\n
Now, I’d read a few
pr\u00e9cis<\/em> of
Andr\u00e9 \u00d8vredal<\/strong>‘s film before I went to see
it, which is something I generally avoid doing because I like to go to
a film all clean of bias, but it would have been hard to remove my
firmly-lodged desire to see this film, because
fuck I love monsters<\/em>. All the opinions I’d read started
with something like, “I didn’t expect this to be
Blair Witch<\/strong> mockumentary style!” so naturally, I
expected that.<\/p>\n
However, given that information, I expected it to be a horror
film about some kids who make a film about trolls.<\/p>\n
It’s not. It’s a film about trolls.<\/p>\n
It is literally a film all about trolls. It’s not even a
horror film about trolls. It’s just about trolls. You get
to know about all the different sorts of troll, how long they
live, what they eat, how long their gestation period is, and
what they like to do with car tyres. It’s also a sensitive
portrait of the hunter, Hans (Otto Jespersen<\/strong>), and his lifelong symbiotic
relationship with them and their territorial warfare.
He’s sort of like the stoic, outdoorsy, very smelly
grandpa you always wanted. He’s not your typical big,
ripply, macho action hero. He’s like a grumpy,
landmine-collecting Sir David Attenborough. With a beard.
And landmines.<\/em> I found myself, as the credits rolled
In The Hall Of The Mountain King<\/strong>, wanting to go
to Norway
immediately<\/em> and try and find him and look at
trolls with him.<\/p>\n
The whole film runs, as you can imagine from something
that’s shot on a hand-held camera ostensibly by
film students, completely devoid of soundtrack, but
that somehow makes it more immediate, more intimate:
it’s peppered with little details that make it
feel very
real<\/em>, and all the people in it less like
characters that have been written and cast, but more
like ordinary people, with their own failings and
idiosyncrasies.\u00a0 To illustrate this I need to
give a mild spoiler away, so
skip the rest of this paragraph if you’re
invested in being entirely spoiler free!<\/strong>
In the first troll chase, the sound techie girl
(Johanna M\u00f8rck<\/strong>) is lost, and we
presume her dead, having possibly been eaten by
a ten-foot-tall troll. But she emerges from the
forest, wild-eyed and grinning, practically
crying<\/em> with delight that the fairy-tale
monsters are really real.1<\/a><\/sup> She’s neither
mangled, nor screaming, nor in need of
comfort, rescue or first-aid –
she’s absolutely thrilled, and still
clutching her boom mike. For a film
that’s all about monsters and the man
that hunts them, this is a very human
It’s also hilarious, which was
another thing I wasn’t expecting. I
laughed like an audience-disturbing drain
at some points (seriously,
never<\/em> go to see a film with me,
I’m awful) and clapped like a
delighted child at others (see? awful).
The humour and humanity help it feel
true, which in turn makes the danger
feel really dangerous and the tension
feel really tense. It’s deeply
engrossing for it.<\/p>\n
The only thing is, it’s so
different from any other film
currently on offer – and indeed
different from similar shaky-cam
freak-fests that preceded it (hello,
Blair Witch Project<\/strong> and
Cloverfield<\/strong>, I’m
looking at you) – that it
might take some viewers a little
while to get into. You have to
adapt. You don’t really
watch it the same way that you
usually watch films. It helps by
giving you a soundtrack-free plain
text introduction to the film as
being a collection of recordings
anonymously dropped off at a
studio, which certainly got me
into the right mindset, but your
mileage may vary.<\/p>\n
Basically, this is what’d
happen if
I<\/em> was told to make a
horror film about werewolves.
It’d just end up as a
film about werewolves and what
they do. This is a film, then,
that is about trolls and what
they do. It will make you want
to go and look at trolls. (But
don’t go if you’re
a Christian because
they can smell
you<\/em>.)<\/p>\n Not
pictured: the Jainist