Battle Angel
Alita<\/strong><\/a>, as the
\u2018cyborg feminism\u2019 for
which I think Alita makes such a
good figurehead was proposed as
an alternative to the popularity
of \u2018ecofeminism\u2019 in
the early 1980s. And I can think
of few better poster girls for
ecofeminism than Black
Broadly, ecofeminism<\/a>
is a branch of our beautiful
multiple complicated movement
that focuses on a connection
(and an implied sympathy)
between the exploitation of
the natural world and the
oppression of women. There are
a lot of sound reasons to make
this link: women are usually
affected first and worst by
environmental damage, women
make up the majority of the
world\u2019s agricultural
workers, and yet it is
overwhelmingly men who own
land and control access to
natural resources. And the
association of the feminine
with nature and Mother Earth
is a deep and powerful one,
which has been cast in a
renewed positive light, thanks
largely to ecofeminism.<\/p>\n
Sadly though the movement has
also spawned a lot of guff
– about wafty earth
goddesses, women\u2019s
spiritual connection to the
natural world, their innate
love of cute fluffy animals
and the terrifying,
all-encompassing juggernaut of
their need to nurture
something, anything – to
which I do not
But to show I don\u2019t hold
the theory to blame, I\u2019d
like to direct you to some
brilliant and important work
being done in the name of
ecology and feminism by the Women\u2019s
Environmental Network<\/a>.
Also: go and read
Black Orchid<\/strong>, and
tell me what you
A couple of
I’m using
to refer to the
traits, qualities,
symbols and associated
ideas that are loosely
grouped around those
words in most Western
culture and
emphatically NOT
referring to men and
When I\u2019m talking
about the
myth\u2019 I\u2019m
using \u2018myth\u2019
in the semiotic sense
(as Round does in her
article) rather than
\u2018myth\u2019 in
the straight up
stories and legends
sense. There\u2019s
quite a good
definition here<\/a>
for anyone who\u2019s