It\u2019s funny because someone asked me about why I dressed the girls like that, and I said, ‘Do you not get the metaphor there?’<\/p>\n
… You can say what you want about the movie, but I did not shoot the girls in an exploitative way. […] As long as you’re self-aware about it, then that’s okay.<\/p>\n
– Zack Snyder <\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n
In this article, I discuss the abuse portrayed in Sucker Punch. I don’t discuss it in detail, but what I do discuss could be triggering for some.<\/strong><\/p>\n
Gather ’round, internet. Sit about me in a circle while I tell you a tale. Open your belief-flaps.<\/p>\n
You know that the gorgeously wonderful Sarah C<\/strong> has already reviewed Sucker Punch<\/strong><\/a>. I know that, too. We both know that together. But what I also know is that I went to see it, too, and my face exploded with woe. Intergalactic space woe from the woe tubes. You know the stuff.<\/p>\n
I am not<\/EM> the person this film was made for. Neither was Sarah. The person this film was made for is a person that fetishises abuse, and likes their women best when they’re woefully underclothed and sobbing in fright.<\/p>\n