{"id":4223,"date":"2011-05-03T09:00:49","date_gmt":"2011-05-03T08:00:49","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.badreputation.org.uk\/?p=4223"},"modified":"2011-05-03T09:00:49","modified_gmt":"2011-05-03T08:00:49","slug":"fairy-tale-fest-is-it-really-disneys-fault","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/badreputation.org.uk\/2011\/05\/03\/fairy-tale-fest-is-it-really-disneys-fault\/","title":{"rendered":"Fairy Tale Fest: Is It Really Disney’s Fault?"},"content":{"rendered":"
Disney princesses have a BadRep with feminists, and let’s face it, it’s easy to see why. Even the recent ones have waists which are about as thick as their wrists, and the individual life lessons from each could be perceived as so warped as to have become an internet meme<\/a>.<\/p>\n
But is this really a case of “Disney-fication”, with the studio taking fairy tales and imposing ruthless mainstream norms on them? There is a huge body of work which looks at folk stories from a feminist perspective, and I’m not so qualified to talk about that. What I do find interesting is how incredibly polarised much of the source material was in the first place.<\/p>\n
Witches: warts, not waifs. (Source: Wikipedia.)<\/p><\/div>\n
In the European fairy tales which made it big in England and the US (mostly
Grimm and some French romances), good people are Beautiful and bad people are
Ugly. This is true whether you’re a stepsister, a witch or an ogre;
physical ugliness goes along with agressive or dangerous behaviour every time.
Good = Beautiful<\/strong>, and this is not negotiable. (Try the reverse:
try finding anyone ugly who you’re meant to cheer for. You’ve
got maybe a 1% chance. Less if they’re female.)<\/p>\n
It gets better though, because that “bad” behaviour is very
specific: it is always an act against the interests of the Heroine or
Hero. Being a female magic-user doesn’t make you a witch; you could
be a fairy godmother. No-one asks the Godmothers what they spend the rest
of their time doing, they are entirely defined by whether they bless or
curse the Heroine. In some tales, it’s only because one out of
thirteen of them is not given an invitation that she decides to curse the
child – would the others have acted similarly if it had been one or
more of them instead? We don’t know. But once the curse is given,
that Godmother is fair game for a horrible death and probably had a secret
hooked nose all along. The Disney versions of Fairy Godmothers may be
tittering clouds of pink benevolence, but they aren’t often
described as “kind” in the tales – they are only judged
as “Good” or “Bad” by whether they’re
currently on our side or not.<\/p>\n
It’s also problematical if we use behaviour to judge who the
“good girl” is. The modern versions of Cinderella, Snow White
and Sleeping Beauty are all very similar: beautiful, virtuous daughters
who get into trouble and need rescuing. It might be a fall into poverty,
or danger from an outsider (new stepmother,
“That she should be thrown into a cask stuck around with
sharp nails, and that two white horses should be put to it, and
should drag it from street to street till she is
The destiny of the Hero is often no less automatic. He is
invariably given a beautiful Princess as a prize, to be his
wife. Winning her hand is sometimes the only reason he takes on
the quest in the first place. The task is often set by her
father, who expects the Hero to be killed instead of succeeding,
and at no time does the woman have any say in this
So given the source material for the stories which Disney
decided to take on, if they remained roughly true to the spirit
of the tale, is it really fair to bash Disney as much as we
Oh hell yes.<\/p>\n
First of all, they have a choice on which ones to produce.
Chrissy Derbyshire in her essay “Toads and Diamonds”
for the
anthology “Vs”<\/a> (which looks at Duality in
magic, mythology and religion) points out that there are tales
where the magic is entirely neutral, such as a Genie granting
wishes. If the person making the wish is bad, sucks to be them.
If they are altruistic and peaceful, they’ll probably be
okay. There are plenty of tales Disney could have gone with
which say “a person’s actions define them”,
not “poverty and an evil stepmother can only be solved by
marrying the right guy”.<\/p>\n
Now okay, not all of the stories which deviate from the
“good gets rewarded” trope would make great movies.
I think it’s a Brothers Grimm tale which reads roughly
(and I am not making this up) “Little Erik was a good boy and never did anything wrong, but
one he died anyway because that’s just how it goes
sometimes.<\/em>” I can see how choosing your targets
for conversion to animation is a valid excuse.<\/p>\n
Even within that though, there’s still the question of
the famous Disney poetic licence. They have a history of
sanitising and whitewashing these stories for maximum
profit, and it’s very rarely to inject any feminist
ideas. Sure, in the 90s the women such as Belle in
Beauty and the Beast<\/em> became Independent and
Argumentative… but only in strictly approved
mainstream ways, to entirely fit the current belief of
what would be PC. There are no lesbians in Disney, no
women who don’t want a lifelong relationship by the
end. It may be that the Victorians had already santised
the tales by the time Disney picked them up, but that only
works as an excuse for so long.<\/p>\n
Okay, Sleeping Beauty physically
can’t<\/em> save herself – there’s
no way Disney could have got around that – but
even when they try to be PC in recent efforts it is
only ever in a way which won’t scandalise the
lowest common denominator of American audiences. The
source material may praise beauty, passivity and
rescuing, but Disney have never hesitated to edit
other aspects of the stories to something more
palatable. Even in recent times when the female
characters actually have, well,
character<\/em>, the one aspect which apparently
mustn’t<\/em> change is the straining of
credibility that their tiny bodies wouldn’t
collapse under the weight of their own organs.
(Check the link in the first paragraph. Look at
Jasmine’s waist and wrists. Or
Ariel’s. Sleeping Beauty is presumably
wearing a corset, but I’m not sure if
that’s an improvement when you’re
marketing at six year-olds.)<\/p>\n
Now, I’m a guy who hasn’t seen many
of the Disney Princess movies more than a
dimly-remembered once, I haven’t read the
reconstructed feminist versions of fairy tales,
and my love of Angela Carter aside I’m
much less qualified to write about this stuff
than… well, most of the rest of Team
So we’re going to town on this one. Oh
All this week we’re having a
Feminist Fairytale Fest <\/strong>here at
BadRep. We’ll be looking at the
incredibly brutal original versions which
became censored, at modern reworkings, and at
comment from feminists on how to find amazing
nuggets of self-agency and adventuring by
women in well-known classics!<\/p>\nhot men<\/del> a wolf) but
there’s one critical element to being the Good girl and that is
passivity<\/em>. Red Riding Hood doesn’t kill the wolf.
Cinderella runs away and is found (hunted down door-to-door, really) by
the Prince, without announcing herself even up to the moment that the
shoe goes on. He and her fairy Godmother are the ones taking all the
action to save her. Snow White \/ Sleeping Beauty are
\nThe Goose Girl – Brothers