{"id":10085,"date":"2012-03-14T09:00:22","date_gmt":"2012-03-14T09:00:22","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.badreputation.org.uk\/?p=10085"},"modified":"2012-03-14T09:00:22","modified_gmt":"2012-03-14T09:00:22","slug":"guest-post-ahsoka-tano-a-reader-submitted-found-feminism","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/badreputation.org.uk\/2012\/03\/14\/guest-post-ahsoka-tano-a-reader-submitted-found-feminism\/","title":{"rendered":"[Guest Post] Ahsoka Tano: A Reader-Submitted Found Feminism"},"content":{"rendered":"
Here’s a guest post reader Michael Pereira sent us which then
generated a mini-discussion, so there’s also a little bit of BadRep
Towers Q&A tacked on the end. <\/em><\/p>\n
I\u2019m a massive fan of
Star Wars – <\/strong> from back when I was growing up watching
old VHS tapes containing 1980s commercials (and that fizzy line that
would go down the screen indicative of tape data decay), to the
voluminous novels and graphic novels I read as an awkward teenager,
through to the infamous new trilogy with all its flaws – and there
definitely are many flaws. Even if we excuse the bad dialogue of
Revenge of the Sith<\/strong>, the ongoing debate about the
canonicity of the
Star Wars<\/strong> timeline, or even Jar Jar Binks, there are
distinct flaws present in the first trilogy which make the films
fare pretty badly in the politics of difference.<\/p>\n
For a fantasy science fiction world with all kinds of alien
species, the first
Star Wars<\/strong> trilogy didn\u2019t fare well in terms of
embracing real-life social diversity. There were very few
non-white or female characters, and when they were present as
main characters, they weren’t exactly charitable
representations. Leia is defined first by the fact she is female
(gold bikini, anyone?), and (perhaps because there are so few
women in the galaxy?) even her own brother is initially
attracted to her. Although Leia had many heroic tendencies, the
original trilogy would surely fail the Bechdel test since there
are so few women visibly present in speaking roles. Don\u2019t
get me started on the lack of (human) ethnic diversity –
put it this way, when the species of Mon
Cala mari<\/a> are better represented than human diversity, you
know something\u2019s wrong.<\/p>\n
This aside, I’ve quite enjoyed a recent offering from
Star Wars<\/strong> cash empire: the animated series
Star Wars: The Clone Wars<\/strong> (or
TCW<\/strong>). The premise of the series is that
it’s supposed to take place in the couple of years
between Episodes II and III. The later novels and films
have integrated a little bit more diversity into the
series, even trying to retcon why there are so few women
around in the Empire (it’s due to the
Emperor\u2019s sexist ideology).<\/p>\n
TCW<\/strong> is set in the period where destined
future villain Anakin Skywalker is now an
established Jedi Knight and takes on an apprentice
of his own. The moment of Found Feminism for me
arrives with the five-foot-something appearance of
his apprentice: the awesome
Ahsoka Tano<\/strong>. Ahsoka (nicknamed
\u2018Snips\u2019) is an unruly teenage Jedi whose
aggression and flagrant disrespect for authority
is markedly similar to Anakin\u2019s.<\/p>\n
After some reflection, I found myself liking
Ahsoka more and more. She’s a
swashbuckling Jedi risking her life on a regular
basis with bravery and self-sacrifice, but
sometimes she also shows a capacity for
self-criticism and learning, and at no point do
the other Jedi pass demeaning comment on her on
the basis of her gender, nor is she defined as a
character by any sense of sexuality. Most of the
criticism she does receive comes as a result of
her young age and brash manner. It’s
refreshing to see a character like her
represented in a less gendered way, and that the
ways in which she is both awesome and flawed
don’t come down to essentialist concepts
of femininity or female sexuality. She
isn’t depicted in a putative gendered
manner – even when other Jedi such as
Anakin or Mace Windu are exemplars of a
archetypical masculinities, from ‘hunky
hearthrob’ to ‘badass motherf*cka
token black guy’, Ahsoka\u2019s merits as
a character come from her inner resolve,
personal strength and her commitment to the Jedi
Order and the Galactic Republic, and not her
looks, what she wears or who she fancies.<\/p>\n
Granted, I suspect most episodes of
TCW<\/strong> fail to pass Bechdel, and there
are few moments of female interaction which do
not involve talking about men1<\/a><\/sup>
It\u2019s hard to call TCW a
\u2018feminist\u2019 show by most stretches,
but it is refreshing that this action-packed
show, which has little to do with romance,
does not exclude women from roles of
leadership and armed conflict.<\/p>\n
I think she’s going to die,
but the question of her fate will
probably be answered in the final
(perhaps 5th?) season. The show
builds up a positive and somewhat
simplistic view of the Republic,
partly because it’s a
kid’s show, but there’s
a sense of pathos for the older
audience who know all the
relationships between the clones and
Jedi will break down – and
that Palpatine is really the bad
guy. Ahsoka’s death is
prophesised between the episodes
3×09-13, but these episodes
were very weird and hard to
BadRep Towers:<\/strong> We
found some
forum posts<\/a> from parents
saying how much their daughters
admire Ahsoka – though
there are a few questions about
her costume being raised which
we also thought were interesting
– do you think her bare
midriff is a less applaudable
design decision, or does it fit
well with her teenage tearaway
identity? <\/em><\/p>\n
This is one subject that I
didn’t want to
acknowledge because it’s
so complicated – but it
is a critical consideration if
we’re looking at this as
feminists. I just did a Google
image search to remind myself
of her different outfits, and
I found some fanart,
‘sexy’ cosplay
outfits, and a few actual
pictures from the series. In a
way, I think that reinforces
the answer I was originally
going to give to you. My view
is this: the show is expressed
through a male gaze in the
sense that in a series about
war, technology, weaponry and
realpolitik, almost all of the
people in positions of
authority (clone commanders,
Jedi generals, Palpatine,
Dooku, Yoda etc) are men. To
be honest, I don’t know
how to interpret
Ahsoka’s bare midriff.
In one sense you might say
that because it’s
science fiction, all kinds of
kooky outfits can exist to
highlight non-human styles and
costumes. You might also say
that female Jedi tend to dress
a little bit differently to
male Jedi. On the other hand,
when I did that Google search,
under ‘related
searches’ there’s
‘ahsoka tano
I’ve also found some
fairly sexualised fan
pictures. So I think
it’s fair to say that
among a large number of
(probably) male fans, her
outfit has been interpreted
as ‘sexually
I think this is the kind
of issue that people will
have to interpret in their
own way – just
because she dresses in a
certain way that some men
definitely think is
sexual, doesn’t mean
there isn’t scope
for alternative
interpretations. However,
I’m no sociologist,
and I’m not a woman.
I lean on the side that
it’s a bit
‘male gaze’
since Padawans would
officially wear something
like what Obi-Wan did in
Episode 1<\/strong>,
and judging by some of
the fanart out there of
what is a fictional
teenage girl.<\/p>\n
Touching on
something you said
earlier about
heroines being
defined by
sexuality or
romantic roles
– do you
relative lack of
sexuality is
actually, perhaps,
an existing trope?
I’m thinking
of young female
warriors such as
Joan of Arc (what
TVTropes calls
the ‘Jeanne
although they list
Leia as an
example, which
might not fit your
take on her!). I
like Joan-type
figures so I
don’t see
this as a bad
thing, but I think
interesting that
trends in TV and
Hollywood are
often so
overbearing that a
reaction against
women by their
is to remove
wholesale. Would
you put her down
as a Jeanne
The short answer
is that
I’m not
quite sure how
to think about
this issue.
There are so few
characters in
roles in
– 3-10
represent the
whole of the
female gender.
As you point
out, Jeanne
is defined in
terms, and
Ahsoka fits
this. She also
has a rare
force power
that can see
the future, so
that and being
part of a
order kind of
puts her
strongly in
this trope.
But without
doing a
analysis on 80
episodes of
the show,
there are a
good few
instances of
portraying a
secret wife;
Duchess Satine
has a hinted
with Obi Wan
(but she
defined by it)
and there is a
banned clip of
one episode
where the dark
Jedi Asajj
Ventriss kisses
a clone as she
I think
notable that
Ahsoka is
one of the
and is not
defined by
who she
fancies. Of
all the
things I am
watching and
probably the
\nBadRep Towers:<\/strong> Thinking
about Star Wars continuity for a
moment, Ahsoka obviously isn’t
in the movies. Although LucasFilm
isn’t exactly famous for
continuity, what do you think will
happen to her at the end of the
series? <\/em><\/p>\n