act aware – Bad Reputation A feminist pop culture adventure Fri, 02 Dec 2011 09:00:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 37601771 A post-World AIDS Day Linkpost: Go Forth And Read /2011/12/02/a-post-world-aids-day-linkpost-go-forth-and-read/ /2011/12/02/a-post-world-aids-day-linkpost-go-forth-and-read/#respond Fri, 02 Dec 2011 09:00:01 +0000 So, you’ve read HIV Aware, you’ve mythbusted with us (and thank you, by the way, everyone who linked and RT’d that post on Twitter and elsewhere)… what now?

Image of a giant red AIDS awareness ribbon made by scattering many individual little ribbons on a white sheet in the looped shape of a ribbon. Image by Flickr user lusciousblopster, shared under Creative Commons licenceWhat about stigma? As we tweeted yesterday, Act Aware isn’t, and should never be, about judging and othering people who are living with HIV. It should never be about erasure.

Unfortunately for all of us, the majority of mainstream media approaches to HIV issues in the UK are either woefully ill-informed, groaning under the weight of crappily pieced-together assumptions, often even kind of creepily bigoted, or just plain fifteen years out of date. Even with NAT’s helpful press guide freely available. Hooray.

But here’s a thing: if you’re reading this, you’re in luck. For lo, the internet is as full of glory as it is full of shit. And with very little effort on your part it basically becomes your own PERSONAL BULLSHIT ESCAPE TUNNEL. And we’re about to make it even easier.

So here are some World AIDS Day links you might or might not have seen before, which we’ve been reading at BadRep Towers. Beyond Acting Aware and reading myths and facts, are real people. So go and read about them. Make it so!

So, hey. You have all this stuff at your fingertips! Connect. Discover. Find stuff out. What’s the point of being on a feminist pop culture adventure if you don’t, you know, go forth and read? Exactly.

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Pre-December Linkpost /2011/11/25/pre-december-linkpost/ /2011/11/25/pre-december-linkpost/#respond Fri, 25 Nov 2011 09:00:38 +0000
  • World AIDS Day is 1 December. Click that link and contact your MP to get better HIV education into classrooms. And do what you can to fight HIV stigma, because a) stigma is a load of oppressive shit; b) it’s a problem that encompasses a load of feminist issues (for more on this tune in next week – several of us work in related sectors and will be blogging some WAD-related musings), and c) if you think simply knowing some basic facts about how HIV is contracted is all you can do to “act aware”, you’re wrong. Especially when the media so often fail enormously at reporting either sensitively or accurately on it.
  • Ryanair, Stop Selling Your Staff – female cabin crew staff speak out against the latest round of Page 3-style ads.
  • A thorough and thoughtful post on transphobic humour tropes, cinema and pop culture in general.
  • NASA’s added a new webpage to its site to encourage women and girls to get into science and tech! Hooray! We’re not quite sure about all the PINK FOR LAYDEEZ font, mind, but it’s great to see.
  • Two contrasting views on Twilight, both thought-provoking: the Hairpin points out the parallels with romantic literature in the Western canon, while i09 is transfixed by ‘body panic’ and nightmarishness.
  • “We have to trick the consumers of boobsplat into buying books they wouldn’t normally buy”: how did we miss this?! Comics Alliance takes the women-comics debate to some creators, with Kieron Gillen, Greg Rucka, Kurt Busiek, G. Willow Wilson, Jeff Parker, Jess Fink, Brandon Graham, Sana Amanat, Jamie McKelvie, Erika Moen and Rachel Edidin sharing ideas.
  • Finally, here’s Mary Wollstonecraft’s face being projected on the side of the Houses of Parliament. NOTHING ABOUT THIS ISN’T BADASS.
  • Have a great weekend! The next linkpost will be in December, meaning we will waste no time in being horrendously cheesy, flinging mince pies around, and singing The Waitresses (IT IS OFFICIALLY ALLOWED FROM 1 DECEMBER ONWARDS. YES) but nonetheless continuing the feminist pop culture adventure amid the silliness. :)

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