Comments on: Silent Witness s15: ‘Calm down, dear…’ /2012/05/28/silent-witness-s15-calm-down-dear/ A feminist pop culture adventure Mon, 28 May 2012 10:54:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Goldfish /2012/05/28/silent-witness-s15-calm-down-dear/#comment-2293 Mon, 28 May 2012 10:54:42 +0000 I found this latest series really disappointing. My boyfriend had never seen it before and I explained that it was a little far-fetched and had pathologists who easily slipped into crime-fighting action-heroes, but that the acting was great and the stories were good. With each episode, I turned to him and said, “Well, that was a below their usual form – it’s usually much better than that.”

I was also upset by the episode in which a man was treated quite sympathetically, having been the perfect husband up to the point where he realised that his daughter was not genetically his, at which point he killed his entirely family, except the one child who was genetically his. And that was presented as some kind of likely and understandable tragedy. And you knew the wife had it coming because she had drunkenly kissed Harry.

Eventually, whenever there was a scene of great tension, we’d ask one another, “Do you think they’re going to kiss?” – sometimes even when Leo was alone with a corpse.

But by far the worse story was one in which they broke all the rules of the Silent Witness universe. I mean, I can cope with a drama which entertains the possibility of demonic possession, but after fifteen series of an entirely material universe… it was like if in a series of Merlin, they suddenly had an episode where they discovered that that Merlin kept seeing dragons because of a rare disorder in his pituitary gland.
