Comments on: Revolting Women: The Matchgirls’ Strike (or: Working Class Teenagers Kick Corporate Ass) /2011/09/06/revolting-women-the-matchgirls-strike-or-working-class-teenagers-kick-corporate-ass/ A feminist pop culture adventure Wed, 09 Jan 2013 09:38:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dontheturner /2011/09/06/revolting-women-the-matchgirls-strike-or-working-class-teenagers-kick-corporate-ass/#comment-19144 Wed, 09 Jan 2013 09:38:07 +0000 It must be fairly obvious, to anyone reading this article, that ”Sarah Jackson” has never worked , maybe nor ever been, into a factory environment situation – or she would know, of the appalling indignities, suffered by those working in them.

(My boss, used to pour a bucket of water, over all toilet seats, in the ladies at least twice a day – to stop them sitting down.)

With this present Con-dem alliance running things, we are gradually losing all manner, of decent conditions provided by the Healthy & Safety at work act of 1974…. possibly by the end of this parliament.

Wake up! _ Do have a look, how much annual holiday workers enjoy in the good old USA – and just wait until my Cameron & company realise.
