Comments on: Why are trending topic #hashtags so sexist? Part 1 /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/ A feminist pop culture adventure Tue, 07 May 2013 17:25:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Twitter’s latest unfunny trend: #killallmenWinToMac | WinToMac /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/#comment-32223 Tue, 07 May 2013 17:25:00 +0000 […] #risenandgrind, either. And Twitter is already a reliably rich trove of trending topics that are openly hostile to females, usually employing some version of the word “slut.”  I fully believe that if we could […]

By: It’s Not Over: A discussion on the sexism still present in society today | TwoPMProject4 /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/#comment-30770 Thu, 25 Apr 2013 18:08:39 +0000 […] and countless others. You can see some examples of tweets using such hashtags in Sarah Jackson’s post questioning why twitter hashtags are so offensive to women. A good majority of the tweets that […]

By: The Misogynistic Hashtag « the solipsistic socialite /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/#comment-803 Tue, 19 Jul 2011 19:03:28 +0000 […] these with the ‘oh-but-there’s-a-lack-of-contextualisation’ excuse. According to Bad Reputation, “if you ever share a train carriage with a stag party you may well overhear some of the same […]

By: Pet Jeffery /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/#comment-802 Thu, 03 Feb 2011 12:31:02 +0000 In reply to Miranda.

Thank you, Miranda. I’m now following you on Twitter.

By: Miranda /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/#comment-801 Thu, 03 Feb 2011 12:25:04 +0000 In reply to Pet Jeffery.

For anyone reading who’s not spotted us on Twitter, we’re @BadRepUK.

By: Pet Jeffery /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/#comment-800 Thu, 03 Feb 2011 12:08:26 +0000 I stumbled on this part of Bad Rep by accident this morning. (I’m not sure how I did so.) I find all of this surprising, and a little bewildering. I’m on Twitter (as Petodalisque) and have used it only to communicate with the small number of people who follow me or whom I follow. I hadn’t even thought about what those hashtags in the sidebar meant (and, until today, my vocabulary was innocent of the word “hashtag”). Looking at Twitter now, I see four of these hashtags. They are #Progressis, #ifyouonlyknew, #famouslies and #toliminado. Now that I have some (albeit vague) idea of what these are, I hesitate to click on any of them. (Although I’m a bit intrigued by the last one, which I’m unable to construe into English words.)

By: Elly /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/#comment-799 Wed, 02 Feb 2011 21:28:27 +0000 In reply to Miranda.

Great link, some fantastic stuff on there. Man, I need more a) hours in the day to read and b) more hours in the day to write. Maybe just extend the entire day twice over? Kthx.

By: Metal-eating arachnid /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/#comment-798 Wed, 02 Feb 2011 15:21:39 +0000 In reply to Sarah J.

Sigh, I wrote a lengthy comment and then read the links from this post, which said what I was going to say, but much better. This seems to happen a lot on the internet… it’s hardly worth saying anything at all.

But I’ve already written it, damn it, so, er, I’m posting it anyway (you should all stop reading now and go and read the links):

And also, that there are various cultures which are more likely to voice these ideas, and that some of those cultures are active in particular online spaces and some are less so. There was a link about a few weeks ago – probably Sarah tweeted it? – about Twitter demographics, and in the US (not sure about elsewhere) there are big differences between ethnic groups, with black and Latino users much more active (proportionally speaking). I think I’ve also heard (this may be me talking out of my arse, but it may be that danah boyd has done something on it) that among (some, obviously) black communities it’s used as a social network in a much more personal way (more akin to Facebook), as opposed to the more semi-professional, news-and-links-aggregating, interest-driven usage that I personally tend to see it as more. So people in those communities are maybe more likely to use sexist hashtags in a down-the-pub kind of way. Whereas an equivalent sort of vaguely sexist majority-white community is just down the pub making blonde jokes which don’t show up on the radar because they’re not having those conversations on the internet.

Facebook ‘likes’ are often pretty sexist too… and I would imagine the demographics are very different.

I think this was the link:

By: Graham /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/#comment-797 Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:55:55 +0000 Lots of people are insufferably horrible beings, and when given an anonymous or supportive environment (not just online, a nasty little boozer for locals can be a similar place for their grimness) they just let it all out, and then feel the need to outdo themselves and the other people because of some ‘manly’ thing. It seems to strip some people of any veneer of civilised behaviour that they should have.

Twitter allows them a platform on which to spew their thoughts and publish them to streams that other people are viewing, or create their own streams which get noticed when they trend.

The sad thing is that this exposes just how many people are actually shitheads, and that is what is depressing. Why is this? Presumably a mixture of upbringing, culture, education and media influences.

By: Sarah J /2011/02/02/why-are-trending-topic-hashtags-so-sexist-part-1/#comment-796 Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:03:41 +0000 In reply to Brave Sir Robin.

Thank you! :-) bell hooks is so kickass, I haven’t read nearly enough of her work.

And yes, you’re right – part of the reason I included theory B was because there have been some quite coy posts about hashtags that fail to mention the dominance of young African American twitter users in the hashtag streams and it is very striking. I don’t think it’s sheer coincidence, but it’s clearly not as simple as “black people are more sexist” either. Sigh.
